The assignment for the Minor is to create a music video for one of the tracks of the recitement CD. I will work in a group of three students, and we've chosen the track Disconnected performed by Allen Ginsberg.
Disconnected - Allen Ginsberg I am a victim of telephones When I lay down to sleep dream the Wishing Well it rings “Have you a new play for the brokendown theater?” When I write in my notebook poem it rings “Buster Keaton is under the brooklyn bridge onFrankfurt and Pearl . . .” When I unsheath my skin extend mycock towardsomeone’s thighs fat or thin, boy or girl Tingaling—”Please get him out ofjail . . . the police arecrashing down” When I lift the soupspoon to my lips, the phone on thefoor begins purring when I muse at smoke crawling overthe roof outside my street windowpurifying Eternity with my eyeobservation ofgrey vaporous columns in thesky ring ring “Hello, this is Esquire… When I lift the soupspoon to my lips, the phone on thefoor begins purring “Hello it’s me—I’m in the park twobroads from Iowa . . . nowhere to sleep last night . . . hit‘em in the mouth” ringing at dawn ringing all afternoon ringing upmidnight ringing now forever ringingnow forever ringing now forever ringing now forever ringing nowforever.
A typography poster made from a favorite font, using only white and black, on A3 paper. Because I like this two fonts: Lazy and Blitz, I decided to make posters for both fonts.